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5 most promising Fintech startups

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How technology can help curb attention disorders

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Long-term benefits of clean energy sources

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It helped me learn to get into touch with my emotions. I think it’s important that everyone learns to recognize how they are feeling and then understand how to address those feelings. Our lives get hectic and the class helped me realize I needed to slow down.


Even when we forgot or made mistakes, she never, not once, got irritated or made us feel bad for not remembering or knowing. She was professional and caring, realizing every student learns in a different way and at their own pace...she has a great way of breaking things down and made learning fun.


Everything in the class was useful and valuable. I had more energy, felt happy and thankful. Very optimistic. I would highly recommended TRE®. Why?! Because the benefits are well worth it. It is like clicking a reset button on yourself. I thought it was perfect.


These courses changed my life. They helped me to be a better listener and to hold space for others' emotions instead of always coming up with a solution. I am better at my job because of these courses on emotions.

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